Port Sunlight Players brings you the hilarious and popular comedy, Bouncers by John Godber. Directed by Emma Gordon.
It’s Friday night, the weekend’s here and the party’s about to begin.
Time for dancing, drinking and the search for true love. The club’s getting hot but out in the cold the Bouncers are ready for anything.
Meet Ralph, Judd, Les and Lucky Eric as they relive a night in a disco in the 80s in an outrageous celebration of the northern nightclub scene. A play where 4 actors multi-role over 20 different characters!
It’s a screamingly funny ride through one of those nights as all the gang are out on the town – the boys, the girls, the cheesy DJ, the fish and chip van and the taxi home.
All under the watchful eyes of the Bouncers…
You’d better hurry or you’re not getting in!